A brand new inspection schedule can be logged from the ‘primary data’ tab of any property screen. To log an inspection from the property screen, click the button, found just above the ‘Tool Menu’.
The ‘log inspection’ popup will appear. You will be prompted if you wish to record a brand new inspection or a review of an existing inspection. The default is for a brand new, however to select a review of an inspection, click the button next to ‘A review of an existing Event / Inspection and click ‘log event’.
The popup will refresh with inspection data entry screen.
The first box is a mandatory field, ‘event/inspection type’. This list is customisable by the system administrator, and should show all main inspection types that can be logged in the system.
Once an inspection type has been selected, it is possible that a second drop-down menu, ‘event/inspection sub category’ may appear. Using the same process as the first drop down, select a required sub category.
Notes is a free-text box where any additional information relating to the inspection being recorded can be stored. This field however, is not mandatory.
The system will then ask for the date the inspection took place. You can change this by using the integrated calendar, which will be displayed once the inspection date field is selected.
The two next circular buttons ask if this event was a one-off, or whether it will need to be reviewed on a regular basis. If the inspection you are logging is to be reviewed on a regular basis, a further integrated calendar field will be displayed asking for the next review date.
If you select the ‘Due for Review’, you will be presented with another date field, where you can select the date this inspection will need to be reviewed.
If you have a document you would like to store against this inspection, simply enter a document description into the 'Description' field, browse to the files location on your PC/network, and once a file has been selected, click “Upload Document”. The file will not upload unless this button has been clicked.
Multiple documents can be stored against one event by simply repeating this process.
Finally, ‘action(s) identified’ is a mandatory field which asks if any issues were identified as part of the event. If the answer is yes, details of any actions can be added in the next screen. If the answer was no, you will be displayed with the inspection summary screen, so that you may review what you have just recorded.
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