On RiskWise you can request a permit by going to the contractor tab and then clicking on work permits.
You then need to click on the grey tool menu on the right hand side of the screen and select “Add Work Permit”, shown in red below:
You will then be shown a popup window to select the permit type and whether this is Basic Details – for the contractor to provide the rest of the details, or Full details if you are the contractor submitting all the information.
Upon pressing Submit, and depending on the permit type, you will then be asked a series of different questions relating to the type of work to being carried out. If you are unsure of how to add this information, then please call your site contact for the site you need access to, and they will be able to advise you on what needs to be added into these boxes.
Common examples of fields which will appear are as follows:
Client Reference *- Job number or unit of the site you need access too.
Work Permit Shifts* – Add in the start and end date & time. If you are going to site on multiple days, please ensure that the shift patterns are added. Once you have put your shift pattern in please select the add shift button by clicking on the green plus shown below:
This will then add the shift pattern like the above example so that you can continue to add more shifts or if only one shift is required you can continue to work through the rest of the permit form.
Maximum Permit Duration (Hrs) – This box will tell you how many hours this specific permit type can be logged for. You can only log a permit for the exact amount or less than the hours specified in this box.
Site Name(s)* - Select which site you need to gain access too. These sites show in alphabetical order.
Instructed By – If you do not recognise anyone on this list then please select the System Admin (S2).
Upload Files – Upload any Rams/insurance documents into this section.
File upload comments – If you need to explain the files add this information in here.
Location of work* - Exact location - for example a unit of a shopping center.
Description of work*- What work is going to be done during this time?
Known significant risks* What significant risks are there?
Risk controls* What are the risk controls?
Equipment to be used* What equipment will be taken to the site to use?
Once all the questions have been filled in please scroll back up to the top of the permit and select through the other tabs. These will be the Primary tab you have already filled out, confirm authorised staff and depending on your permit type you may also have work types.
Please make sure that all questions on the permit including the ones on the different tabs at the top with the * are filled in or this will not allow you to save the permit.
1 comment
I have tried for 3 hours to try and raise a permit to deliver an air con unit (small)
Ive sent 4 screenshots of what I've done and can not afford to spare time on this
Please can you help
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