It is now possible to create an Email Escalation for a Data Search report to be sent on a set time-frame by your RiskWise administrator to send, for example, a list of Actions that are due to be completed in the next 7 days. These will be grouped in one table and one email as opposed to the previous configuration which sent individual emails.
To activate this functionality, you will first need to create a Data Search with the criteria required and ensure this is saved. Once the criteria has been set and you are viewing the results page, you will see the ‘Add Email Escalation’ within the grey tool menu as indicated below:
Clicking this icon will then prompt you to add an email Subject and Email Content. Once you click ‘Continue’ you will then be required to select which user groups and individual recipients are to receive the email.
Please note that the email each recipient receives will only show data for their properties.
Clicking continue again will allow you to set the schedule of how often the email is to be sent, i.e. Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly etc.
After you’ve set the frequency, you can choose the date which it is to start being sent from. If you select weekly, to start on Wednesday the 10th of August, the next email schedule should be sent on Wednesday 17th of August. You can set the maximum number of results to display in the email. Any additional results which cannot be displayed can be accessed via the link which will be visible at the bottom of the email.
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