Access & Navigation
- How To Delegate User Access on S2RiskWise
- How do I find my Company ID?
- How do I access and login to RiskWise?
- How do I change my username and/or password?
- I have forgotten my Password / Username, how can I reset it?
- How can I export data into Microsoft Excel?
Property Information
- What does the property details screen show?
- How do I customise the property List?
- How can I see where a property is on a map view?
- How do I update a property?
- How do I assign users to a property?
- How do I archive a property?
The Home Page
Logging Inspections & Actions
- How do I create a review of an existing Event / Inspection?
- How can I send details of an inspection as an email?
- How do I upload documents to RiskWise?
- Having issues uploading documents?
- How do I record a brand new inspection/event for a property?
- How do I record a due or overdue event as completed?
Progressing & Completing Actions
- How do I view details of actions logged on the system?
- How do I record an action as complete?
- What information can be stored on actions?
- How do I update progress on an action?
- How do I send an authorisation request for an action?
- What is the difference between ‘prescribed action completed’ and ‘other action completed’?
The Year Planner & Event Matrix
The Task List
KPI & Positive Reporting
Quick Search & Data Search
Utility & Waste Management
- How can I establish the breakdown for the 8 digit ‘Meter Number’ and 13 digit ‘MPAN’?
- How do I create a new utility meter?
- How do I log meter readings?
- How can I edit an existing energy meter?
- How do I create a new waste stream?
- How do I edit an existing waste stream?
Audit Report & Online Questionnaires
- What is report builder?
- How can I create a new report type/ questionnaire in report builder?
- What is report builder scoring?
- How are the report builder answers displayed?
- How do I edit/review an existing Audit report?
- How to setup 'Responses to be Remembered?
Property Risk Scoring
Environmental Module
RiskWise App
- Navigating the RiskWise App
- RiskWise App Technical Information
- Why do I keep having to login to the RiskWise App?
- Introduction to the RiskWise App
- Downloading the RiskWise App on to your device
- Logging in to the RiskWise App
Accident, Incident & Claims Reporting
- How do I record an Incident for a property?
- How can I Re-open an Incident?
- How do I view a previously logged incident?
- How Do I Add and view an incident Location?
- How Do I Add and View an Incident Injury Location?
- How do I configure an Incident Form?
Contractor & Performance Management
- How To Request an External Permit
- Updating Contractor Documentation in S2 RiskWise
- How Do I Add Additional Information To A Permit?
- How do I get my Permit 'Approved'?
- How do I cancel a Quote / Work Request which has been issued to a Contractor?
- How to raise and fill in a permit?
Compliance Reporting
Asset Management
Elogbooks Link
Document Approval
- How to retrieve user login information
- How do I run a report to show what E-Mails have been sent from RiskWise?
- How do I delete files/documents in the documents library?
- How do I update the User assignments on a property?
- How do I assign which users can view/manage folders within the Document Library?
- How do I create a new folder in the documents library?
Action Approval
User Hierarchy
- How do I assign users to a Company?
- How do I create a Company on RiskWise?
- How do I create a new user on RiskWise?
- How do I Mass Assign users to properties?
- How do I navigate through the KPI?
- How do I show and add Applicable User Levels to users on RiskWise?
Service Desk Module
- How do I accept / reject an externally submitted issue?
- Once a Service Request has been accepted where is it stored?
- How do I close an issue?
- How do I issue an issue to a contractor?
- Where do I set up what hours our service desk is open?
- Where do we set Targets?