Firstly, click onto the relevant property from the "Properties List" and then click on the "Documents" tab in the drop-down menu named "Documents".
Locate the correct folder as to where the document is to be uploaded. These folders are located on the left hand side of your screen.
Once the relevant folder has been chosen, click onto the icon "Documents - Upload files" which is located under the ‘Tool Menu’ on the right hand side of your screen. This will then allow you to upload the document.
You can upload up to 10 documents at a time and if multiple files are to be uploaded, you will need to choose each document by firstly clicking on the “Upload File" icon.
You will then be asked to choose your documents for upload. If you have only selected one document and need to select another, simply click onto the "Add Files" icon or drag and drop files and once all documents have been selected, they should be listed in the above table. Then simply click "Start Upload" and you documents will start to upload to RiskWise. You are able to see once a document has been fully uploaded, as its status above the files will show as 100%. Then press save and your document(s) will now show within the selected folder.
Documents can be uploaded to just one property or to all properties. This option will be given under the “Choose File” icon.
Please note that only the following file types are able to be uploaded onto the RiskWise system:
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