A review of an inspection can be logged from the ‘primary data’ tab of any property screen. To log an inspection from the property screen, click the ‘Green’ button, found just above the ‘Tool Menu’.
The ‘log inspection’ popup will appear (like below). You will be prompted if you wish to record a brand-new inspection or a review of an existing inspection. The default is for a brand new, however, to select a review of an inspection, click the button next to ‘A review of an existing Event / Inspection and click ‘log event’.
The popup will refresh with any previous inspections that have been recorded at the site which have a regular scheduled review that has previously been logged.
You can then select the drop down in the review date column and select the correct date. Once the review date has been selected you can then click on Log Event where the normal log a new inspection page will show.
The default will be on 'This inspection review will continue on this schedule' but you have the option to change this.
Once all the information has been added correctly you can then press Log Event and this will save as normal.
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