To view the existing Applicable User Levels already linked to a user, you will need to go into the ‘Settings’ icon located on the top right-hand side of the screen, and then click onto the ‘Users List’.
You can then scroll down and locate the relevant user from the users table, or you can search by user level by clicking on the drop-down menu named ‘Filter by User Level’. Once the user level has been selected, the users showing will just be for that user level.
Furthermore, you can search for users using the users name. Simply click onto the small white arrow which is located to the right of User Profiles List and then write the users name and click on the black magnifying glass icon to search for the user.
Once the user has been located, if you click onto the small pencil edit icon, this will then bring up a pop up screen where you will be able to view the existing ‘Applicable User Levels’ the user is currently linked too.
If you wish to add further applicable user levels to the user, you will need to hold the Ctrl button on your keyboard and then click on the user levels you wish the user to be applicable for. Once selected, press save and then this user will be available to be selected for these user levels when you go to assign users on properties.
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