To add a Schedule Note against an inspection from the Year Planner please navigate to either a completed, overdue or due icon against the relevant inspection.
Once you have clicked this icon, a pop-up will appear where you are able to select a reason type and provide a note before saving.
Once you have saved your note, this will appear within the “Latest Scheduled Note” column and this will also appear when viewing an Inspection as a text box will display the schedule notes for the next upcoming Inspection. This information will also be available in relevant Data Searches.
To add another Schedule Note please click onto the existing note which was previously entered and then a pop up screen will appear where you can view your previous notes. If you then click the green button named “Add Schedule Note”, you will then be able to add a more up-to-date note for this inspection and the new note will then appear in the Latest Scheduled Note” column when you next view this page.
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