The ‘Event Matrix’ is found under the ‘Year Planner’ tab and can be viewed by clicking ‘Event Matrix’.
The ‘Event Matrix’ offers a GAP analysis which allows you to view data in a traffic light reporting system.
The column headers are customisable allowing you to display up to fifteen event types in one view. To select the event types click ‘Configure Matrix’ located within the ‘Tool Menu’.
The ‘Event Matrix’ shows where no data for inspections/ events has been added for a property as well as events/ inspections which have taken place and any which are overdue or outstanding. The Event Matrix provides a view of where data is not available and may be required.
Events/ inspection types which have not been logged for a property are displayed as ‘no data’, if an inspection has been logged this is displayed as ‘Compliant Inspection(s)’ followed by the date of the inspection. Inspections which are overdue are listed as ‘Outstanding Inspection(s)’ followed by the date the inspection was due.
If the particular type of Inspection is not required for the property then ‘not required’ will be shown against this inspection/ event.
The ‘Event Matrix’ can be filtered to view all data, outstanding data and where data is not available using the drop down.
The information shown in the ‘Event Matrix’ can be filtered by property, users or modules by clicking ‘Configure Event Matrix’ located within the ‘Tool Menu’.
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