The property details screen houses a significant amount of information.
Section 1: The yellow menu bar shows information that has been recorded against a Contractor. The default screen is the ‘Contractor Details’ section, but also provides links to inspections and actions logged against the Contractor, as well as the option to view Work Actions that have been assigned to the Contractor via another RiskWise module.
Section 2: The largest area of this screen displays all of the data fields required for the Contractor. This includes basic address details, details about the Contractor and any other custom fields that have been added to the system for the Contractor module.
Section 3: The light blue bar provides the links to add Contractor Users, edit the Contractor, assign specific Work Activities and place the Contractor under Review.
The tabs above section 2 includes the options to view any Contractor staff that has been added to this Contractor, the Work Activities they are currently confirmed for, a list of Properties the Contractor is assigned to as well as a full history log of any changes that have been made.
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