Within the Contractor & Performance Management module, there are two types of actions that can be managed and viewed, these are Management Actions and Work Actions.
Management Actions are actions created from Management Events that are recorded specifically against a Contractor in the Contractor module. Management Events could be Insurance documentation, KPI Reviews or accreditation management dates to provide some examples. Any actions raised as follow-up items from these events would be found within the Management Actions.
Work Actions are actions created within the other RiskWise modules such as ‘Risk & Compliance’ that have been assigned through to a Contractor via the ‘Issue to Contractor’ icon found within the actions details screen. This is used to request quotes or task-specific works for completion through to a Contractor rather than completing themselves. Within the Work Actions area on RiskWise Contractor, users are able to review quote requests, submit quotes and update work instructions.
Email notifications can be set up to assist in ensuring users are aware of Work Actions and/or Management Actions. These are managed via the Email Escalations area of the system.
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