Providing the Contractor is at an Approved Status (please see Contractor Management article 5 for further details on this), it is possible to assign them to Properties which can be done from the Property List in the Contractor Management module.
When you have navigated to the relevant property, the option to ‘Assign Contractors’ will be shown in the grey tool menu on the right-hand side of the screen.
Clicking on ‘Assign Contractors’ will open a pop-up menu which will detail those Contractors that are already assigned to the Property as well as those that are not.
The pop-up will list each available Contractor by name on the left-hand side as well as two further columns highlighted in the image above.
The yellow highlighted box in the image above shows that a vetted Contractor already has access to the Property, and this will be indicated by a green tick icon. If they do not currently have access then this will be indicated by a red circular icon.
The red highlighted box gives you the option to amend which Contractors have access to the Property and amending this access can be done by placing a tick in the box adjacent to the relevant Contractor.
In order for your changes to be applied, please click the Save button in the bottom left-hand corner of the pop-up
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