When viewing the property details screen of the property you would like to download, please click on ‘Download’, within the ‘Tool Menu’
A popup box will appear. To download all data stored against a property please leave all filters as they are and click ‘Continue’ through all screens.
Alternatively, if you do wish to filter the data, please untick the information you do not require. Furthermore, you are also able to just download the last inspections/incidents logged against a property by selecting the option Data for last inspection / incident logged?. Once selected, your property download will then only contain the last inspections logged against this site.
Once you have clicked through all screens, click ‘Save’.
The popup will refresh and give you a weblink, which will expire at midnight of the day you are downloading the property.
Please click on the link and then Open or Save file
You will then be able to open a MS Excel summary of the property and data logged which can be found in the tabs at the bottom of the Excel Spreadsheet.
The folders included in the Property Download will contain files that have historically been attached to Event/Inspections logged against the property in the RiskWise system. They will also include documents stored within additional modules if these are switched on within your RiskWise system.
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