Whether it’s a new inspection that has been logged or a review of an existing scheduled inspection, in both cases responses will be required for each question in the checklist. To do this, press the box below ‘Audit’, labelled as ‘0 Answers’, which will then load the question details on the screen.
The questions for each checklist have been pre-loaded in to the system and differ depending on the type of checklist you have chosen to log. The app will show a topic name in blue text and then the questions associated with that topic below.
To provide a response to a question, simply tap on the question on the screen. This will expand the question and will show you the available responses for this question.
To confirm your response, simply tap the required option. With each question, there is the option to provide some further commentary, or notes and this can be done by pressing on the box below the response. The notes area is a free text box and should include any further details that are relevant to the question and related response.
It is important to ensure that as much detail is given in this area if there is an issue. For example if you have identified a spillage, please ensure that as much detail as possible is given regarding the location and type of spillage.
Question Guidance, where available, will display in a yellow bar below the checklist question.
With each question, there is the additional option of uploading an image which can be done by pressing the box titled ‘New Upload’. You will then need to choose if you wish to take a new photo using the devices camera or select one that you may have previously taken on the device. When the photo has been taken or selected, this is then attached to the question and will be available for viewing in the core RiskWise system.
Please note that if a photo is taken and attached to your response, and then an action is raised based on the response, the photo will not show on the Action Detail page in RiskWise. It will however be available for viewing by clicking the link in the Audit Report tab area of the main Event/Inspection Summary page.
You will be able to see the uploaded photo attached to the question, summarised underneath the question. By selecting the 'Edit' button for the uploaded photo, you are now able to add annotations and drawings directly onto the photograph if required.
Depending on how the checklist you are logging has been configured, some responses may have the ‘Remembered Response’ functionality enabled. This means that some responses will be pre-populated when you next complete the form. This is useful as some checklists must accommodate a variety of sites where not every question is directly applicable to every site. An example of this could be a question regarding lifts but if you work with a single storey site, then it is likely that you will not have any lifts in your building.
At the bottom of the form, there is a blue button titled ‘Complete Audit’ which allows the user to complete the question past of the inspection. If a response has not been given to all the questions and this button is pressed, it is not possible to complete the form as each question requires a response to be entered. Any question that does not have a response attached will be highlighted in red text and will need to be filled in. This is especially useful if the checklist has many questions and perhaps some have been missed by mistake.
Once the form has been completed, click ‘Complete Audit’.
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