An action can be emailed from several places on the system. These include the action list, the inspection summary, the task list, and the action details screen.
On the right-hand side of an action, you will see a list of options which you can perform, one of which is ‘Email details of this Action’.
Alternatively, on the action list, inspection summary and task list screens an email can be sent by selecting the action in the ‘Mass Select’ column and clicking the email button from the ‘Mass Select' options.
Clicking on either the button within the action details, or the email icon in one of the list views, will display the email action popup.
Recipients can be added by selecting the applicable users in the dropdown list, where standard users will see all of the users attached to that property, and administrators will see all users.
Alternatively, if the required user is not in the list, they can be manually added to the email by selecting ‘enter recipients manually’ from the ‘recipients list’ drop down. Once clicked, you will be prompted to enter the name and email address of the user you wish to email.
Once the user is selected from the list, or the details have been manually entered, you will need to press the green ‘Add’ icon to confirm the user. More than one user can be added to the recipients list in this way.
The email itself will include all of the standard details stored on the action as well as the category of the latest progress update. If there has been no progress or the action has been completed, the progress category will show as ‘No Progress’ or ‘Completed’. However, the user can also add additional text in to the email using the text editor provided. This text will appear at the top of the email. A formatting tool is also available to set text to italic, bold etc.
If required a message can then be written for the user with any notes for them to be made aware of. The final option is to have a copy of your message sent to yourself by selecting the option at the bottom of the popup.
Once this is all done, simply select ‘Email Action Details’ from the bottom left of the popup screen and the email will be sent.
The sending of the email will automatically be recorded within the action history, showing who sent the email, to whom and with what content. Furthermore, Risk Improvement and Management Action E-Mails will include the ‘Current Action Owner’. This is whoever a given action was assigned to at the time of the E-Mail being generated.
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